Sunday, January 6, 2008

Kool-aid test

Tonight I dyed some yarn with kool-aid. I'd been meaning to try it for a long time. I got some handspun cream/ecru colored yarn for Christmas and I'm not much for the solid light-colored yarn. It's called Border Leicester handspun. I have no idea what that means and wonder if that makes me a yarn dummy, but oh well. We saw a booklet at Target today that was Knitting for Dummies and my sweet, darling daughter picked it up and said "hey mom, you're a dummy!". Such love.

Ok, on to the yarn dying. I'm going to post photos of the process, although I must admit that I got carried away with the process in the middle and forgot to snap photos. I got before and afters but the part where you're pouring the dye on, wrapping it in saran wrap, and microwaving it didn't get photographed.

Yarn soaking in hot water "pre" dye.

My dyes -- cherry, lemonaide, and berry burst or something like that. The third and fifth glasses of dye I didn't use.

This is the finished product (above)

Close up of the middle of the finished piece. Shows the colors a bit more true.

Close up of the bottom. I'll wind it into a ball tomorrow and photo that too. Maybe even do a swatch. It was great fun and I'm looking forward to trying again. I have another hank of the same stuff plus several of Classic Elite posh in white/off-white. Expensive yarn to do my first tries on so I opted to do this stuff.

Happy Monday!


Notes and letters to myself.... said...

That is really pretty. Now will those colors stay or will they fade. Love your blog you should write more.